Home » AWSOM PixGallery Version 4.8.0

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AWSOM PixGallery Version 4.8.0


Fat rose rat


resolutionUnit : 0
FileSize : 125024 bytes
FileDateTime : 04-Aug-2024 22:55:29
resolution : x
color : Black and white

Example Area of "Universal Image Text" Show your copyright here automatically without needing to edit each image.

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Download the Current Stable Version: AWSOM Pixgallery 4.8.0 plugin

The example archives on this page are designed using the AWSOM Pixgallery plugin version 4.8.X. The original Pixgallery plugin was written by Nathan Moinvaziri of nathanm.com. The AWSOM version is a collaboration between Mr. Moinvaziri and myself.

Some of the features of this plugin are:

  • Easily Get Your Work Seen: With the New Image/Gallery RSS system you can let people always know when you’ve added new images to any gallery. With the new integrated ShareThis functionality people can easily share links to any of your galleries or images with their friends or the world.
  • Easily Installed: AWSOM Pixgallery requires no theme editing and creates all tables, cache folders and default gallery folders for you with a single activation click on your plugin admin page.
  • Drop and Go functionality: Upload your images into a folder on your server, put a code in a post or page (which Pixgallery can generate for you), and immediately have an automatically created gallery with thumbnails, watermarks, news post interlinks (when used with the Comicpress theme system) pagination and more in seconds.
  • Easily Updated: Adding or removing images is as simple as adding them to the original folder–Pixgallery detects the new or changed images and adds them into your gallery with no work on your part. You can even add entire new folders of images just as easily by uploading them.
  • Easily Add Metadata: Click on the link under any image (when logged into your site) and immediately go to a page to input custom names, tags, links, etc.–all using the New Advanced Visual Editor or code view editor. Now you can also display Photo EXIF data and IPTC data automatically. You can even optionally update metadata for your images directly through the thumbnail view!
  • Easily present the images the way you want: Pixgallery can show your images in alphabetical order, the order they were added to the gallery, by numerical sort or the reverse of any of these types. Also add CSS options directly through the admin interface to theme your gallery to more closely match your website theme, or to show off your gallery in a special way.
  • Show off your best work: Use the Custom Gallery Image system to have any image you want represent the folder icon for a gallery.
  • Show Review Galleries like the Big Guys: Pixgallery can limit the thumbnails of galleries in your posts to a set number, with a “click to see more” link beneath, just like all of the major review sites–you can also choose to show names and captions with the images or simply present the images by themselves.
  • Full Control over Image sizes and display: You choose the thumbnail size and Pixgallery creates them for you. You can even limit the “full size” images to match your theme’s width–All With the expected range of pop up window, open in new window, or “lightbox” new layer effects to display the actual full sized image. You can even set to automatically have Pixgallery hide your sidebar area to show more of your images in your gallery.
  • Get Quick Feedback:You can optionally turn on the Individual Feedback system to have all comments placed on a gallery page or post “sticky” to the image or folder they were entered against, this sytem integrates directly with WordPress’s own comment system so all of your regular comment addons work with it, and all of your protections still work to keep your galleries spam free. And Yes, it works with the new WordPress 2.7 Nested comment system!
  • And many more features, with active and fulltime development ongoing. Your feedback has added directly to the feature set of AWSOM Pixgallery and is taken seriously. We want Pixgallery to be the easiest and best solution to adding an Image, webcomic, or photo gallery to your WordPress install.

View The Video Tutorials for this plugin

Read The AWSOM Pixgallery Install Guide

Read The AWSOM Pixgallery Options Guide

Read the AWSOM Pixgallery FastFlow Usage/Workflow Guide

Read The Plugin Troubleshooting Guide

Here’s a picture of the New Admin functions:

Awsom Pixgallery Options

Here’s a picture of the Write page to enter Captions:

Awsom Pixgallery Caption Manage

Here’s a picture of the Theme page to enter Galleries:

Awsom Pixgallery Galleries Manage


  1. Hi harknell,

    my wp theme is not widget conform so i tried to include the random image plugin directly into the sidebar.php what caused the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function random_image() in /mounted-storage/somepaths../themes/mytheme/sidebar.php on line 40

    Line 40 uses this code:

    any suggestions?

  2. I’m not entirely sure about the display issue with the plugin. The developer of it may be able to work with you on the code to place to get it to display. I would also suggest looking at a similar but widget-able theme to update your current one to to make this easier in the future. As time goes on WordPress is adding more stuff that you’ll really want to be able to use, but won’t be able to with an older theme. (yeah, I know this sucks but we all will have to do it soon with WordPress 2.7 for their new comment system….)

  3. Hi Seeeb, I’m glad you like the plugin. Ratings are not currently in the plugin, though they are on the dev list. Right now you can optionally show how many times the image has been viewed or turn on the individual comment system to allow people to comment on specific images or galleries. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to add in the ratings system, but that type of feature tends to be added as an extra during dev time, so it could be in a near release.

  4. Hey harknell, Thanks for responding so quickly ;-)

    So happy to see my request in the dev list :-)

    I’m already waiting the release :-D

    A question : each image has got a page, isn’t it? So maybe I could add another rating system to the page, waiting for the add-on?

    I’m french, so don’t care if my English is bad. ;-)

  5. Actually, that won’t really work unfortunately. While each gallery and image gets a unique URL, they are all still considered the same “page” by WordPress (the page is the one you put the gallery code in) so any rating system will be the same rating for all of them. That’s why I had to add my own “Individual commenting system” to have each comment on the page only refer to a particular image or gallery.

    So far you’ve managed to be pretty clear in your English :)

  6. Héhé thanks ;-)

    Ok I know now how the plugin works :-)

    I understand “the rating system” will be integrated by the same way you integrate the “comment-each-image system”, that’it?

    Anyway I’m not in a hurry so you can take all the time you need.

    Thanks again

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